Landlords Club Director
At Fairfield, we are always looking for new ways to ensure we provide both existing and potential landlords with the latest lettings news and helpful tips.
Couple this with regulation updates and special offers specific to their requirements, we created the Landlord Club.

Lettings facts and tips
Whether you’re a first-time landlord or a seasoned property pro, you will have access to all our latest facts and tips.
From topics on how to negotiate a deposit dispute to what you should be doing to avoid breaching the Fitness For Human Habitation Act.
We also offer a FREE comprehensive data report about your rental property, helping you to keep your fingers on the pulse with market activity and rental prices across Watford.

Useful guides & property news
We cover different lettings legislation that you should be aware of to avoid falling on the wrong side of the law and highlight simple mistakes that could lose you the ability to evict your tenant.
We tell you about the silent killer you should be aware of and the duties all landlords must complete to avoid a penalty of up to 5 years in prison if you ignore them.
With so much industry experience, there are too many benefits to list …… don’t delay, register with us today.
Events, promotions & competitions
If you are thinking of letting your property or potentially looking for a new agent, take a look at the service levels we offer and the current promotions we have available.
If you would like to be kept up to date with local events that we are holding, simply register your name and email address, then leave the rest to us.
We even run local promotions and competitions, so why not register just to have some fun.

Join the Landlords Club
Join our Landlords Club and get access to the latest lettings news, tips and special offers…